I have found this hybrid to be the best EDC sheath for an every day carry (EDC) blade. Check it out and make one yourself.
These product links will take you Amazon and if you choose to purchase these items "Makers Movement" will receive a small commision, at no extra cost to you.
If you love slipjoint tools and carry one in your pocket then your slipjoint needs this pocket slip to keep it clean and ready while protecting it from all the other EDC stuff flopping around in your pocket. THis pocket slip also protects your pocket from the pesky holes that develop in your pockets because of the bolsters.
These product links will take you Amazon and if you choose to purchase these items "Makers Movement" will receive a small commision, at no extra cost to you.
leather sheers: https://amzn.to/3mRPomh
hole punch set: https://amzn.to/3lEizaS
leather pen: https://amzn.to/39FYbUr
utility leather: https://amzn.to/3g8fu1N
leather sewing needles: https://amzn.to/3qnV5KG
leather sewing thread: https://amzn.to/3qoyUE9 (We use the size 40, contact Maine Thread for other colors)
burnishing paste: https://amzn.to/3oqrGNZ
edge kote: https://amzn.to/37CqtMQ
JOIN THE MOVEMENT by hitting the SUBSCRIBE button and turning on all notifications.
We are the makers, we are the movers and shakers, so let's get moving.
Visit our online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman
#pemmican #huntingfood #campingfood
Watch this video to learn a very simple method to make pemmican, it is a stable, long lasting food that is perfect for outdoor adventures. Pemmican is full of protein, fats, and carbohydrates to give you boundless energy when you need it on the trail or in the backcountry. It has been made and used by indigenous peoples, travelers and settlers all over the world. Although it has many different names throughout history and around the world there are a few constants. Pemmican is made from whatever you have on hand or whatever is in season. While we have provided a basic recipe that can be made with ingredients bought in the store, we encourage you to experiment with what you can gather and hunt from the landscape in your region of the world. If you do this you will probably be eating exactly what the people of that area were eating a thousand years ago. bon appetit! -The Makers
JOIN THE MOVEMENT by hitting the SUBSCRIBE button and turning on all notifications.
We are the makers, we are the movers and shakers, so let's get moving.
Visit our online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman
Below are the main essentials available from Amazon. These are affiliate links and we will receive a small commision on qualified purchases through these links. It doesn't cost you any extra but it does help to support this channel, thank you for that.
The recipe that we used call for
2.0 lbs (raw) ground meat (dry and process)
3 cup dried fruit nut mix (finely process)
1/2 cup of honey
lard or ghee melt a cup or two, use enough to get the mix to bind properly
Refrigerate until solid, cut into bars and enjoy them on the trail.
Business mailing address:
PO Box 1666
Priest River, Idaho 83856
#SociallyDisabled #friendship #veteran
SDP 022 FRIENDSHIP | A paradigm shift and a new perspective
Mantra for the week. No friendship is an accident. - O. Henry (William Sydney Porter)
Today we are going to put Friendship into perspective. There seems to be a lot of misinformation about what actually constitutes a friend. Of course, this is just my opinion and this criterion will change for everyone but I think that there are definitely some constants that remain across the board.
This is likely to be a paradigm shift for you concerning what is a friend. We have been conditioned to think that a friend is someone that is always there for you when you need them and especially when you are at your lowest.
What is friendship and how do you build and maintain one?
I don’t think that a friend is some unconditional supporter that is there for you in your dark times. All the MEMES say something to that effect. About you know who your true friends are when you are at your worst etc. I think that is one sided BS. To me that is such a selfish statement that if that is the requirement very few people would live up to that litmus test.
Here are some points to consider:
1 You are only the centre of your universe, not everyone else’s.
2 No one is plotting against you and you are not the topic of every conversation.
3 Friendship is a give and take that cannot exist one sided.
4 Sometimes the best thing a friend can do is give you space to figure your own shit out.
5 Friends listen they don’t lecture; with free advice you get what you pay for.
6 Friends are not at your beckon call, do expect them to drop everything because you need them.
7 Sometimes true friends don’t actually talk to each other for a very long time.
8 Friends communicate open and honest. Sugar is poison.
9 Friends are grateful and reciprocal but not indebted to each other.
10 Above all, A real friend will not put you in a position that makes you uncomfortable.
Here are five things to do with a false friend or toxic relationship:
1 Create distance
2 Limit entanglements
3 Don’t create a tit for tat situation, let it go when you are one up.
4 Don’t share your problems with people you don’t fully trust.
5 Avoid any conversation that has the potential to instigate strong emotional reactions.
BONUS TIP: The enemy of my friend is not my enemy. If I lived by that rule I would have no friends at all. Besides what happens when you snub someone because they had a falling out with one of your friends. Then those two make up and now neither of them wants to talk to you? This has happened to me more than I care to remember. If two friends are falling out then I suggest you just step back let them solve the issue on their own, remain friends with both but keep your distance so as not to appear to have taken a side. And most important, don’t be a double agent. You will be tried and found guilty as a traitor by both sides.
Come along for part 3 and see my hot stamping and heat treating process. This is how i get the job done, what do you do differently?
#knifemaking #heattreating #bladegrinding
In this video I will perform the heat treating and grinding of the bevels. I will do this with common shop equipment and without the use of special grinding jigs. If you have wanted to learn how to make knives follow along this series as I take you step by step through the process that I use. I found a piece of Damascus billet in the scrap bin so I am going to turn it into two amazing bushcraft knives they will be of my "woodsman" pattern. Come along as I begin the build and subscribe to see the progress over the next few videos. See the process that I use to turn a quality steel billet into a pair of amazingly functional knives.
We are the makers, we are the movers and shakers, so let's get moving.
Visit our online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman https://www.survivalhardwarellc.com/
Business mailing address:
PO Box 1666
Priest River, Idaho 83856
Level up your knife grinder with this inexpensive little project.
#knifegrinder #norseman #makersmovement
I realized that most knife grinder tool rests are too small or should at least be modular if you are going to get the most out of your grinder. This is the solution that I came up with to solve the problem and expand the capabilities of my grinder. I know that a large tool rest is not needed most of the time, but when it is needed nothing else will do. I hope this video streamlines your process and expands the capabilities of your equipment. Happy grinding makers.
Just getting started in Knifemaking? Here are a couple grinders that will pay for themselves very quickly. I built my shop with mine and payed for practically everything inside it. There are many other options out there but this is the best bang for the buck, and it will not let you down. I recommend the Shop Fox over the Grizzly. It is cheaper, virtually identical, comes with a 10" wheel and the Grizzly comes with an 8".
JOIN THE MOVEMENT by hitting the SUBSCRIBE button and turning on all notifications.
We are the makers, we are the movers and shakers, so let's get moving.
Visit our online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman https://www.survivalhardwarellc.com/
#550cord #paracord #cordmanagement
In this video no more knots, Ill explore cord management and I'll show you two techniques that will make storing and using 550 cord so much easier.
This video is a very detailed comparison between the Polish lavvu surplus shelter and the USGI / USGS canvas pup tent shelter half. There is a detailed breakdown of the key features both good and bad down below. There are links to these products and most of the products from the Lavvu solo overnighter video that i linked to in this video. All of the leather goods were made by myself and my wife Angel Babi and are available on our website or custom order by request.
Visit my online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman https://www.survivalhardwarellc.com/
USGI Pup Tent vs Polish Lavvu
Price USGI =high 150.00= low 35.00= average 65.00
LAVVU = high 140.00 =low 65.00= average 90-100.00
Availability USGI Online or local surplus stores. Unused condition
LAVVU Online International shipping, UK surplus stores. Unused condition
Weight USGI 9.8 lbs
LAVVU 7.2 lbs
Difference lbs 2.6
Setup USGI Easy one man setup, snaps together (Link to setup video)
LAVVU Easy one man setup, buttons slower to connect
Space USGI More room for gear and sleeping
LAVVU More head room and only one pole
Protection USGI All seams covered well, no floor, bug protection, open ventilation
LAVVU Potential for leaks at seams, no floor, bug protection, open ventilation
Durability USGI Heavy duty canvas, Heavy stitching
LAVVU Heavy Duty Canvas, Heavy stitching
Alt setup USGI One man lean to setup, requires extra parts and no pole setup
LAVVU One man lean to setup, requires extra parts and no pole setup
Improvised parts Poles from nature or trekking poles
Other uses USGI Tarp, sleeping roll
LAVVU Poncho, Tarp, Sleeping roll
Interop USGI Two different types available that are not compatible (buttons and snaps)
LAVVU Three sizes available that are compatible
Modifications Both have a few popular mods that can be researched
#whatknot #horsetie #highwaymanshitch
in this video I show how to tie two quick hitches, the highwayman's hitch and the horse tie. both are quick and easy to tie although they have slightly different uses they are both great knots to have in your mental tool kit. I use them for camp and canoe work but i am sure you will find many more uses for both of them. Quick to tie and even quicker to release.
Visit my online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman https://www.survivalhardwarellc.com/
Business mailing address:
PO Box 1666
Priest River, Idaho 83856
This is the first time that I took my new Lavvu shelter for a solo overnighter. I perform some basic bushcraft tasks for camp setup and maintenance. Below are links to most of the gear I use that is still available or the modern equivalent. All the leather gear in this video was made by myself and my wife in our shop. Most of it is available on the website or by request. Just email us if you see something that you would like. nmsurvivalhardware@gmail.com
Visit my online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman https://www.survivalhardwarellc.com/
Here are 4 knots that will elevate your outdoor game. You will look like a camping boss in any company.
#whatknot #frictionhitch #tautlinehitch
We are going to learn to tie two different universal friction hitches that you will find many uses for in camp. Then we are going to learn two different guy line adjustments the taut line hitch and the midshipman's hitch. Both are excellent for adjusting tension on a line. These knots will make you look like a pro when camping with friends.
Visit my online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman https://www.survivalhardwarellc.com/
Business mailing address:
PO Box 1666
Priest River, Idaho 83856
#whatknot #sheetbend #tailtieWe are going to learn the might little sheet bend. This knot is used everywhere from sailing ships to pack trips in the mountains. It is probably one of the few knots that's every human should know. Ill show a few different variations of the sheet bend. All of them are simple but serve a slightly different function. Once you learn this knot you will wonder how you ever got along without it. Don't forget to like subscribe and share this video.
Visit my online store for all manner of leather and steel goods crafted by hand from Angel Babi and Norseman
#envy #comparison #goals
o The only useful comparison is myself now to myself yesterday.
o Admire but don’t compare, comparison is counterproductive.
o If the feed makes you envious then stop following it.
o Who do you envy and why?
o You don’t know what is going on behind the scenes.
o Attention and admiration are both modern currencies.
o Give your attention to the pages and things that improve your life not those that rob you of confidence and self-worth.
o Give yourself permission to experiment and fail, grow your empire one failure at a time.
o Embrace discomfort, growth doesn’t happen in a comfort zone.
o Does someone else have to lose if you win?
o My goal is help you find your path to happiness and success; however, you define that.
In this episode we are going to uncover the root of all evil. The one thing that we do, sometimes daily that is destroying our self-image and our self-worth. This monster is envy and comparison. As long as “man” has maintained possessions there has been someone that has been envious and sought to either achieve the status or to relieve the owner of theirs. Are you an achiever or a reliever? Listen to the podcast figure out there is something you can do to move closer to your happiness and farther from the things that destroy your own self-image.
Special thanks to "Unveil the Strength" for use of the song "Hells Never over",
Just in case you are unaware, I have started a new Podcast called the "Socially Disabled Veterans Podcast." It is available on YouTube and a bunch of audio platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcast. Primarily my goal is to ease the struggle of transition out the military and on to a better life through this coaching medium. If you are not a veteran you will still find a heap of good, actionable information that will help you improve your station in life. Please feel free to connect with me via email, the comments sections, or reviews on the podcast platforms. I hope you enjoy and benefit from the show. -Norseman
This video is for folks that are thinking about picking up a wood chipper for the homestead or garden. I did my research and settled on this one because it is inexpensive and does everything that I need from a chipper on my 8 acre homestead. I just figured that I would show you what I got just in case some of you might be interested. I have also provided an amazon Affiliate link below so you can find the exact one that I am featuring in this video. Hit the subscribe and notifications icon and by all means support this channel by sharing the video.
In this live stream we are starting to glue up the handle scales and performing the plate quench on 154 CM stainless steel. This build is live in real time so be prepared for changes in volume level and a little shaky camera work. Come join us for the entire series by subscribing and ringing the notifications bell. I will also add some Amazon afiliate links below for some of the materils and things that I use throughout this build. Enjoy friends.
live knife build episode 2 is on YouTube. Dont forget to put on the live chat feature so you can see the questions that I answer. Hope you enjoy the build and subscribe so you can catch the next phase...Plate quenching stainless steel.
Here we go, Let's make a knife live and in real time. In this first episode we will design the knife, cut out the basic shape and profile on the grinder. You are part of this process so subscribe and ring the bell so you get notified whenver we start the next episode. so lets go, and start building a knife.