As you probably figured out by now I have been gone for a while. Last night I re-appeared with the sad news that we lost an icon in the survival community. It was simply a matter of timing as to why I posted last night for the first time since about March 2nd. Well the short story is that I had a few hardships to get through and when I had them sorted out I got orders off the mountain. Yes, I got orders off the mountain. So in the past 2 months I have been scrambling to get all of my affairs in order and get the hell out of dodge. I secured a residence (far far away), loaded the gear an said goodbye to the mountain homestead. I hit the road and spent many days driving and camping with the family, visiting some old friends along the way and generally trying to make the best of a bad situation. When I got to the new "PORT" I got all the amenities hooked up and started to make a new life here. Just yesterday I finally got the Internet working and that is when I found out about Ron, See? It was all about timing. Now I am, for the most part situated here and I am currently looking around to find the right place to start shooting videos again. You see, living in the mountains it was a complicated affair to get those videos out on the net and it seems that whenever I did I would get cut off for days because I had exceeded my usage terms. Yes, just one low quality video would get my Internet turned off for days. I no longer have that problem so if I can muster up the time and find some good locations I should be able get back on track with this blog, the Survivology 101 experiment and my you tube channel. I hope that I can find the time and motivation to get it done. In the mean time bear with me, I am adjusting to a new environment and tying up some pretty heavy loose ends.
I will however continue to contribute articles and other musings to Survival Quarterly, I have also purchased the domain and I am working on building a decent page to move this blog too, eventually perhaps Ill put up a small store with a few items that I live by and perhaps even a small forum dedicated to survival topics. There are allot of good things in the works but for now I still have a day job as a US Marine so my time is not mine to command. Keep in mind also that I would rather be out in nature than pecking away on the computer so I often gaff off these responsibilities and just go commune with nature. It is truly the only thing that keeps me sane.
I will most likely not be spending much time on the forums that I belong to although I pop in and lurk occasionally. The forums that I visit are, the Hoodlums, Pathfinder, Bushcraft USA, Dirttime, Survival Podcast and a few others but I am not, nor have I ever been a major contributor to them. If you have need or want to contact me the best way is to send me an email directly and Ill reply to it. You can hit me up on face book but I don't spend much time there either. Ill probably be adding a few more banners to the site, something that I have been neglecting for a while, so click on those links and visit those sites. Keep in mind that I get nothing for the sites that I list, they are friends and people that I do business with personally.
Lastly the new PORT that I mentioned above is Gulfport Mississippi. So the adjustment from Bridgeport CA to Gulfport MS is a big one. I have gone from cold, dry and high altitude to hot, wet sea level. If you are in that area drop me an email. I need to find out all the good placed to get some dirt time and paddle time. I am always willing to hit the tree line for a weekend, or link up and go fishing, hunting, or paddling.
Glad you're back! I miss that part of the world, spent 2 years running the ranges at Camp Shelby. You landed in a great spot. If you get the chance, across the street from the Southern entrance to Camp Shelby is a strip mall. In it is the Sister's restuarant. The sisters that run it are the daughters of one of New Orleans great chefs. The food is incredible...