Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mountain Warfare Historical Society

For those of you that wish to be a part of history, the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Historical Society is offering memberships to support the new mountain warfare museum, located at the Mountain Warfare Training Center, in Bridgeport California.

This is a private foundation not a government entity.   Mountain warfare with its associated training has prepared this countries warriors for every conflict from Korea to Afghanistan.  The lessons and hardships that the individual warrior learns to overcome in the snowy mountains help to prepare them to fight and win on ALL FRONTS not just in the mountains.   Help to support the museum and if you are ever fortunate enough to visit the Mountain Warfare Training Center, stop in and get your self a look at some real US military history.  The kind that people don't talk about at parties.  

Better hurry, the opportunity to become  plank holder and be a part of this history is coming to a close.  
Dec 31, 2011 the door shuts forever and you will have lost that chance, but you can still become a member after that.   Click on the rest of this post and highlight and print the application. 


Marine Corps Mountain Warfare
Historical Society

Membership Application

The Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Historical Society is a non-federal entity. It is not a part of the department of defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status.

The purpose of the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Historical Society (MCMWHS) is to promote an understanding of the military history and tradition of mountain warfare, with emphasis on the historical role of the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center and the men and women who have served or trained there, through the presentations of historical displays and programs.  The Society’s mission, in direct support of its purpose, is to provide for the preservation, perpetuation, and appropriate publication and display of relics, manuscripts, pictures, books, and all other objects and information by soliciting contributions in support of these purposes.

Membership in the Society is open to any individual or organization interested in the purpose for which the Society was incorporated, upon approval of the Board of Directors, and no person shall be discriminated against because of race, color, creed, sex, age, disability, or national origin or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination.

Please select the level of annual membership you desire:

o        Individual Membership:       $20.00
o        Family Membership:             $25.00
   Father and/or Mother and their children
o        Formal Schools Graduate:  $10.00
   Graduates of any current formal school taught at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center will be offered an introductory membership following graduation from their course(s).  This reduced cost membership is for the first year only.
o        Organization Membership: $50.00
   Organizations, either non-profit or for profit.
o        Life Members:                       $100.00
   Individuals, families or organizations.  Life membership shall commence upon the receipt of life membership dues and shall be valid for the life of the holder.
o        Patron Members:                  $500.00
   Individuals, families or organizations.  Patron membership shall commence upon the receipt of patron membership dues and shall be valid for the life of the holder.

*Dues shall not be prorated and are due and payable on 1 January of each year and/or upon joining the Society. 
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State:______ Zip:_______
Telephone: (     )__________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________
Please send this application with a check for the desired amount made out to The Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Historical Society to the following address:
P.O. Box 332
Bridgeport, CA 93517

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