Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thor's hammer fire striker

OK FOLKS, Due to relentless pressure I have decided to make these Thor's Hammer, fire strikers available, for a limited time. PRICE.....45.00 including shipping. They are each hand made and ground by eye, then hardened in my forge, it is a lot more work than you think. All for the price of a designer ball cap, and it will last you FOREVER. Email me if you want one,, 

I will not make them without my makers mark, I will not stamp any other runes in them.

Great device for starting that Yule fire, or those special Blot and Sumble that require a fire.  The original nine are already gone, it will take me a couple of days to make more.

I can make them Blued (as shown) or bead blasted. 
Thanks. Norseman

More cool stuff that I have made.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mountain Warfare Historical Society

For those of you that wish to be a part of history, the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Historical Society is offering memberships to support the new mountain warfare museum, located at the Mountain Warfare Training Center, in Bridgeport California.

This is a private foundation not a government entity.   Mountain warfare with its associated training has prepared this countries warriors for every conflict from Korea to Afghanistan.  The lessons and hardships that the individual warrior learns to overcome in the snowy mountains help to prepare them to fight and win on ALL FRONTS not just in the mountains.   Help to support the museum and if you are ever fortunate enough to visit the Mountain Warfare Training Center, stop in and get your self a look at some real US military history.  The kind that people don't talk about at parties.  

Better hurry, the opportunity to become  plank holder and be a part of this history is coming to a close.  
Dec 31, 2011 the door shuts forever and you will have lost that chance, but you can still become a member after that.   Click on the rest of this post and highlight and print the application. 


Re post from Kit UP

I don't normally re post other works on my blog, but this one was worth letting you read. For more like this swing over to KitUp and give the site some attention.  


Admiral McRaven: Time Person of the Year Runner Up

by David Reeder on December 19, 2011 · 12 COMMENTS

I’m not wild about Time’s selection of “Person of the Year”, myself, for a number of reasons (not least of which is my opinion that marketing – as increased by controversy – was a large factor in their decision). That said, it’s hard to argue with at least one of the runners up.
William McRaven, Time Magazine Person of the Year Runner Up
Kit Up congratulates Adm. William McRaven. Well deserved, sir.
Admiral William McRaven, United States Navy.
What an awesome name for a SEAL, huh?
“…July 18, 2001, midway through that quiet summer before the whole world learned Osama bin Laden’s name. McRaven, then a 45-year-old Navy SEAL captain, led a jump exercise near San Diego.
The commandos dropped into 10,000 feet of free fall, reserving their parachutes for the last moment. As they neared the release point, one of the men below McRaven drifted directly underneath. Seconds later, his canopy slammed into McRaven at well over 100 m.p.h., throwing him into a violent spin.